Gross Regional Domestic Product of Poso Regency by Industry 2013-2017 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Poso Regency

Kunjungi Pelayanan Statistik Kabupaten Poso Jalan Pulau Kalimantan No. 52 Poso Kota | Jam Pelayanan Data Statistik 08.00 sampai 16.00 WITA

Gross Regional Domestic Product of Poso Regency by Industry 2013-2017

Catalog Number : 9302021.7204
Publication Number : 72040.1801
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : August 10, 2018
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 8.76 MB


Economic development planning, requires a variety of statistical data as a basis for determining policy strategies, so that development goals can be achieved appropriately. Strategies and policies that have been taken in the past need to be monitored and evaluated the results. Various quantitative statistical data are needed to provide an overview of past and present conditions, as well as the targets to be achieved in the future

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